Scholastic Book Fairs
All for Books

All for Books is a fundraising program enabling all students to participate in their school’s Fair. Schools collect money from donations prior to their Book Fair and at the checkout register either in cash or digital pathways. Funds are used exclusively at the Fair to ensure equity of access for all kids at the school. This collaborative effort unites the school community and illustrates how a small contribution can make a big difference. My role was to promote the proven best practices, continually refining the messaging, and exploring new methods to execute the program.

One of my assignments was to promote the many ways schools could participate in All for Books. Pictured: All for Books coin drive challenge, photo by Doug Scaletta

All for Books POS collection box

We ran a successful pilot program to test whether providing a box of pre-printed All for Book baggies would increase donations to a school's All for Books program. The results were a big increase in the number of schools participating and collection of donations.

2020 Spring Ideas Guidebook All for Books pages. Concept, outline, content direction: Frank Loose; Design: Mickey Gill; Writing: Cheryl Gill; Photography: Doug Scaletta

This video explains All for Books to Book Fair Chairpeople. Concept and script: Frank Loose; video: Charles Brewer